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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Qualify Your Clients!

Today I would like to discuss how qualifying your clients can give you great results.  You may be getting a lot of calls coming in off your signs, or Internet inquiries, or past client referrals.  Do you have a systems for how you handle these?  Well today, we are going to talk about how to do that.

First I want you to consider that all calls coming in are SUSPECTS.  They are suspects because you don't know if they are going to turn into a LEAD yet.  Just because they want to talk about real estate, doesn't make them a lead.  A lead is someone that is going to do business RIGHT NOW.  Now you will need to determine when "right now" is for you.  For some of you right now is going to be in a couple of weeks, and others it can mean in the next 30 to 60 days.  It just depends on how busy you are and how you want to manage your business.  We want those leads to turn into CONTRACTS!

So how are you going to qualify your suspects?  The 3 steps listed below should help you do that.

  1. Do you have a questionnaire that you automatically go to?  One for a buyer call and one for a seller call?  If not, you need to stop what you are doing right now, and make them.  You questions should help you determine whether or not your suspect is an A, B, or C.
  2. An "A" suspect is one that is going to do business right now.  A "B" is s suspect that is going to do business in the next 30-90 days.  A "C" is a client that is going to do business in the next 90 to 120 days.  Notice there is no "D" suspect.  Because a "D" suspect needs to be deleted.  You will need to determine how much time you spend trying to turn your C's into B's and your B's into A's.  Because the C's and B's do affect both your time spent and your cash flow.  You need to have 5 A's on you right now.  You need to have 5 A's in your pipeline at all times!
  3. Qualifying is a game of accuracy.  You have to be doing it all the time.  A "B's" status could change to an A at any point.  Or could a buyer you are working with that is an A change their mind and become a B at any time?  You need to constantly measure where you are at with a particular prospect.

Hopefully these tips have help out, and stay tuned for more successful coaching!

Brandon L. Penny
(919) 402-1201

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