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Monday, February 27, 2012

FM Durham Tech Bytes: Slideshow Videos

Trying to get a jumpstart on the week, so I'm posting a tech byte a little early this week, and it's a good one! 

Old media like Yellow Page ads, newspaper ads and even T.V. and radio ads are no longer effective ways to advertise real estate.  Today real estate searches begin online.  To make sales you have to go where your customers are, and these days people are hanging out online on sites like Youtube, Facebook and Twitter as well as other video and social networking sites.

Today I would like to discuss a few slideshow programs that will allow you to create unique video slideshows displaying your client's listing photos in a matter of minutes.  These are low cost ways to create buzz and get your message out quickly to sites like Youtube, Facebook and Twitter with awesome videos that will impress your clients.


Animoto allows you to combine high-quality images and short video clips with music to creat beautiful slideshows.  Best of all, Animoto is inexpensive and easy to use.  You start by uploading photos and video clips, or sync Animoto to your Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, or Photobook account.  Then, you choose music from Animoto's large music library (600 or 1,000 songs depending on your account type), type in the text you want included, and Animoto produces a beautiful video slideshow within minutes.  If you aren't satisfied with the result, then Animoto makes it easy to resubmit the video until it meets your expectations.  There is a great app for iPhone users that makes it easy to build videos from your phone!


Stupeflix is another web-based platformt to help you streamline your slideshow video process.  Stupeflix is great because it is built right into Youtube.  You can build your own themes or you can use it's pre-built themes.  All you have to do is load your images or video clips, add titles and add music either from your computer or directly from Youtube.  You can also add a pinpoint location of the listing from google maps, giving a potential buyer an idea of where the property is located.  And for those Android smartphone users, there's an app for it as well!


Flixtime is another slideshow video building application.  It allos you to make 60 second videos using your own images, videos and music.  With this online platform, you do not need to download or install any additional software.  You select media from the program's "media lounge" or you can upload your own media files.

Take advantage of these great tools to showcase your listings, generate TMLS compliant videos, market your services, and be found on video and social networking sites.

Brandon Penny
(919) 402-1201

The Market is on the Move: 3 Ways to Get Ahead of it

There is no doubt that the real estate market is on the move.  Every week there are numerous news reports talking about positive signs in the market and areas of improvement.  In our own office, closed sales in January were up 54% this year compared to last.  So how can you get ahead in this improving market?  Today, I'm going to give you three ways to get ahead:

#1 Your Buyers:  Who's serious, who's not?  If you have that buyer that is looking for the "perfect house", you've got to get comfortable with the dialogue of,  "Mr. and Mrs. buyer, I can appreciate the fact that you are looking for the perfect home, but the challenge in today's real estate market is there ARE NO PERFECT HOUSES.  We are going to be able to find 85% of what you want, but that final 15% is going to come from what you put into the home." 

The bigger issue you have to ask yourself right now, is do you have buyers that are just gobbling up your time that really aren't serious about buying.  Most agents will spend so much time with one potential client that really isn't 100% serious.  And guess what happens?  They end up missing out on four or five additional clients they could have been working with. 

So ask yourself, who is maybe taking up too much of your time that really isn't serious, and for those that are, try and narrow down their focus to the 85% of homes that will absolutely get them what they want.

#2 Sellers:  The bottom line is the script is about the same, we've got to get them priced correctly.  What are we seeing today?  Move-in ready homes that are priced relatively well, in many cases are getting multiple offers.  So you need to do a little analysis on every property you have.  How is the location, how is the entry way, what does the outside look like, what's the showability, what's stopping the house from selling in a market like this? 

Then sit down with your sellers.  Ask them to AMEND the price of their home.  Tell them the buyers have spoken.  When you get the reduction, sit down and ask your sellers, "What would you like me to do for you?"  Then just listen, don't say a word, let them tell you what they want.

#3 Connect:  You need to be connecting with every person who sent you a referral last year.  Whether they were out of state brokers or local past clients or your circle of friends and family, you need to be in contact with them.

The market is on the move, and I want you to get way ahead of it.  Let's have a great rest of the year.  Remember always, your strategy matters!

Brandon Penny

Friday, February 24, 2012

FM Durham Tech Bytes: Try Pinterest if you have an Interest!

In the era of social media, certain websites pop up and I immediately write them off as a waste of time.  But one of the fastest growing social media sites, Pinterest, is the one that I love.  It recently became the fastest standalone site to reach 10 million unique monthly visitors.  97% of the site's registered users are women.  However I think that is about to change, because I'm a man and I love it!

When I first signed up a few months ago, I loved the idea, although I thought it was just a place for fun sharing and I wasn't sure how it could possibly help my business.  Then I thought to myself:  "Are my clients, locals and potential clients hanging out on Pinterest?"  Most likely, the answer is "yes," or it certainly will be once they find the site.

Pinterest allows you to create "Boards," or a category of interest to you.  You can then add links to your board for easy access of people who follow you on your board.  Start by adding some relevant business boards that focus on housing and real estate.  But don't only focus on business boards.  Be sure to share some of your personal interests, because people want to know a little bit about you and your interests.  This will expand the amount about people that will be willing to follow you.

Other boards that you may think about adding could be:

  • Real Estate News
  • Local Places of interest
  • Home maintenance tips
  • DIY home projects
  • Home decor
  • Your listing links

The options are endless!  Be creative and get started with your Pinterest account.

Brandon Penny

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Celebrate Your Successes

As we approach our company-wide Annual Awards Banquet on next Tuesday, it got me to thinking about a coaching excercise. The purpose of the exercise is to conduct a review of the previous year by writing down every success, win, and positive thing that you experienced - both big and small. So, I challenge all readers to Celebrate Your Successes!

In my experience as a coach and manager, I have observed that most driven and success-minded individuals have a tendency to focus on what they haven't achieved yet. They are always moving on to the next goal or challenge without stopping, however briefly, to acknowledge the victory or success of the moment.

So, as you fine-tune your goals and business plan for a successful next year, take some time to look back on the current/previous year with a focus on the positives.

Just write it all down - stream of consciousness - no matter how seemingly insignificant. Just write it down. Once you start writing, you'll be surprised at how much you really have to celebrate!
  • List all your accomplishments, wins, victories, successes in the past year.
  • List all moment of joy and gratitude.
  • What did you do last year that you were really proud of?
  • What do other people in your life have to say about what you did, accomplished, contributed?
  • What did you do last year that moved you toward your goals?
  • What lessons did you gain from any setbacks, challenges or obstacles?
  • How are your going to integrate any learnings in to your future goals and the coming year?
Brandon Penny

Friday, February 17, 2012

FM Durham Tech Bytes: Adolix & FreeFileConvert

It’s time for a Fonville Morisey Durham Tech Byte. Thanks to Bram Luknight for helping provide one of this week’s tips. Bram is one of the top tech guys I know and I’m thankful to work with him at Fonville Morisey Realty in Durham.

He shared a program with me called Adolix. It will allow you to split and merge PDF files for free! You can take a large PDF document and split it into smaller documents, or merge several small PDF’s into one large file. Be sure to check it out!

Adolix made me think of another site I like called FreeFileConvert that converts files. You can convert just about anything to just about anything! PDF to jpg, wav to mp3, avi to mp4, and many more. It is also FREE!

Enjoy using Adolix and FreeFileConvert and be sure to let me know about your Tech Tips so I can share it on the blog!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Skills Pay the Bills

While attending the "Success Seminar" featuring Joe Niego yesterday, I gained a handful of ideas I would like to run past you. 

Having been a part of the great real estate boom from 2000-2006, one thing I have noticed since it's decline has been that great markets create poor habits.  I would like to go over a few skills you can master and poor habits you can overcome, that will help you build a more successful business.

You are a small business owner:   You may work for a broker, but you are an independent, commissioned sales person.  This means you are a small business and must operate like a business.

Embrace a planning attitude:  One thing I have noticed about people is that we typically put more effort into planning a vacation or a holiday shopping trip than we do planning our professional or personal lives.  As a broker, if you don't have a plan, you are likely on the the plan of another successful broker.

Establish sales goals:  Using your strategic plan, establish sales goals.  Be specific in those goals.  Don't just say you want to increase your business from last year.  Set a goal of doing a specific number of transactions.  Write these goals down and have a tracking system.

Create a financial budget:  Budgeting is critical given the up and down of this volatile market.  Your financial budget should be based on your forecasted income, and take into account your marketing costs and any additional costs such as your education or the cost of doing business (dues, fees, license, ect.)

Make managing yourself a priority:  Building a business is hard work.  You must learn to practice good time management, manage your ongoing real estate business training, and manage your personal life.  I know that real estate is a 24/7 business, however, it is important not to lose sight of your personal life including family, friends and physical health.

Find a mentor or a Coach:  Accomplishing all of this alone is not an easy task.  Seek out a mentor who can help you maneuver your way through known obstacles and help your during the "peaks and valleys." 

Be a great real estate agent by creating good habits and living by them.  These are only a few tips to help you build a successful real estate business.  More to come!

Brandon Penny