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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ignite Your Business Part 2: Reach Out and Touch Someone!

This is part 2 of a 3 part system for agents looking to get a quick jump start on their business and to ignite a little buzz over a 30 day period.  Again, we are going to need your contact management system in order, and grouped into your A's, B's and C's.

The second part of this program is the "Reach Out and Touch Someone!"  All you need is your phone, computer and a list of your contacts.  Then take a moment and identify 5 people that you want to make a phone call to. 

Next, and most importantly, determine a purpose for making this phone call.  Why are you calling them?  Don't just call to say "hello" without a reason.  Think of what you are going to say.  Maybe you are calling to follow up on a newsletter you sent out.  Maybe you are calling them to congratulate them on something they posted on Facebook. 

Come up with a purpose for the phone call and write it down.  It is important to write down and have in front of you during the call.  So that you can reference your purpose.

Now all you have to do is make those 5 phone calls.  This is a must.  No matter how uncomfortable you are making the calls, they must be done.  If you find making the calls uncomfortable, they will get easier as you do them. If you are like me, stand up and walk around while you are making the calls.  I find this relaxes me and doesn't make it so formal as sitting in front of a desk. 

I want you to repeat this process 5 times a week for the next 4 weeks.  If you don't get an answer, leaving a detail message will suffice.  Or if you are an overachiever, then be sure to have 5 phone conversations per day, not just 5 calls!


Brandon L. Penny
(919) 402-1201

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