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Monday, March 5, 2012

"Yes I can"

I recently conducted a training session called Facebook 101:  Business Pages.  It is designed to help real estate agents set up their business pages and to provide them with ideas for their business page action plans. 

During this session, I told the class that I make two, value-added posts a day to my Facebook business page (Fonville Morisey Durham).  A student in the front of the room said, "that's a lot!"  My reply to her was "who says that's a lot?"

I responded to her that she had basically already talked herself out of using social media as a part of her marketing plan.  She agreed.

This was a perfect example of self-sabotage.  How many people talk themselves out of things before they give themselves a chance to start?  This really is sad when you think about it.  How many great ideas has someone given up on simply because they thought it would be too hard?

There is enough negativity in the world to keep us down as it is.  Why would we allow ourselves to be another barrier to doing something new and exciting?

Next time you are thinking of doing something, and that little voice in your head says, "that will be difficult" or "you can't do that" stop what you are doing and shout, "YES I CAN!"

Just like a bully that would steal your lunch money, once you stand up for yourself, the bully will usually back down.  Stand up against your own self-sabotaging bully.

Brandon Penny
(919) 402-1201

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