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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

FM Durham Tech Bytes: HTML Email Signature for iPhone

I would say that about two thirds of the agents in my office use an iPhone.  And if they are anything like me, they probably send about two thirds of their emails from their iPhone.  The only problem with that is I get so tired of seeing the same old default email message that ends with “Sent from my iPhone.”  I wanted to have a great email signature that would show my logo and have links to my social networks.

Well I found Cool Geex.  They've created a website that allows you to create an HTML version of your email signature that can be used on your iPhone...and it's FREE!  With this tool, it is easy to make your email signature stand out against your competition's.  You can also add some of the social media sites and tools to your signature to make it easy for your clients to connect with you.

All you have to do is visit Cool Geex website, create an account, fill out the online information form for your signature, set up the desktop icon on your iPhone and it's ready to go.  Then whenever you are sending a new email, click the desktop icon on your iPhone and a new email will open up.  Also, be sure to remove the email signature you had set up under the "mail settings" on your iPhone, or you will be sending emails with two signatures.

The only shortcoming I see with this, is that the new email signature will not show up when you are replying to an email.  But I personally don't like have someone's long email signature shown 10 different times in an email thread.

There are other html email signature tools out there you can use for your iPhone, but in my opinion this one is the best and it's free!

Brandon L. Penny
(919) 402-1201

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