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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

6 Power Prospecting Tips

I wrote a recent blog post about being in the "Danger Zone."  This post discussed how hot the real estate market had gotten, and that agents should not lose focus on your prospecting while working through their transactions.  Without prospecting you have no future business.  Today, I want to give you a few powerful prospecting tips so you can keep that momentum going! 

  1. Your Job:  You need to make sure prospecting is your job.  If you have been in real estate sales for a while, and had any success, you know that this is the part of your job that can take you to that next level.
  2. Same Time:  You need to be doing your prospecting or lead generation at the same time everyday.  You will end up making excuses for not doing it and you won't be as affective.  You need to make it an appointment that you do everyday.  Put it in your calendar as a recurring appointment.
  3. Role Play:  Pick a role play partner.  Maybe even find a prospecting partner.  Then I want you to role play at least 3 times a week.  This way both you and your partner can critique each other allowing you to improve each time you practice.
  4. Mental Attitude:  What are you thinking about just before you make that call?  Are you thinking about the rejection you are going to get?  You need to have a positive mind-set.  You need to go into the call really feeling that it will be your next appointment.
  5. Numbers:  You need to track your numbers.  You need to know how many contacts you are making to get the leads that you need. 
  6. Get Up:  When you are making your calls, don't sit slouched over in a chair at your desk.  Stand up and make the calls.  I like to walk around when I am making calls.  It gets the blood flowing and allows me to speak with more energy. 
You know what the best part of prospecting is?  It's free!  It doesn't cost you any money to do it.  Agents should be spending 1-3 hours a day on the phone calling past clients, sphere, expireds, FSBO's, and notice of defaults to get listing appointments.  So pick up that phone and get to work!

Brandon L. Penny
(919) 402-1201

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